Friday, October 4, 2019

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!

Come Va?  Today has been a rare day for me and I wish that I could have this type of day all of the time, but if I did nothing would get done. Eh?

 I am well rested and relaxed. Chris is in the main house with Elise watching TV. Marv will be here shortly to care for Chris for the evening.

I think that while Marv is here I am going to hit the sheets to read a book that I have started. Am I getting sick or something? No just taking some advice from my friend Jeanne W. She is always on me for not taking enough time to put myself first. I get it!

I hope that your TGIF is going just great for you. Have a wonderful night and sleep well.

Buona Notte...Jessie and Elise

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Si, ragazza. Oggi e un giorno raro per me e mi sto divertendo molto perche questo non accade mai. Ho un po di tempo buono (lo) anche oggi. Avere una seraa mervigliosa. Come sta Capo Jim?


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