Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!

How are you doing? I have to tell you that I am stressed out big time and it is only going to get worse. I tried to rest today but that was a no go.

The Hvac tech came today he worked on Chris's house. He will return on another day to work on the main house.

I have a pounding headache and I had to take something for it. I usually don't take meds for stress headaches. It seems like I am giving up a lot so I can get through these next months or longer while Sister Jayne is out. I am going to miss my usual days off. Seems like I am the only one giving something up. Like I said it is what it is. Something is just not right. On a good note, Sister Jayne is having her surgery early tomorrow morning. If you could send up some good thoughts and prayers for her it would be very much appreciated. Thank you!

Hey, tomorrow is "Chefs Day". My Sous Chef and I will be burning pots and pans in the (cucina). My Sous Chef will be preparing the sides to go along with the meal. We will have a nice "Prime Rib" with the works. Are you getting hungry yet? I am.

I am caring for Chris tonight. We don't have any more sports to watch, unless the NBA is on. My playmate and I will be placing bets on this one for sure.

It is very windy and turning cold here in the valley of Tucson. Sleep well so you can be ready for Hump Day. I will chat at you later.

Buona notte...Jessie and Elise.

Monna, it is always a pleasure to hear from you! 

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Buona notte fidanzata!


Ciao! How are you doing? We are good here in windy, rainless Tucson. We just got back from Park Place Mall seeing the movie "Last Breat...