Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Good Nght!

Good Night!

                                       FROM MOVE ON.ORG

Has your day been a good one? I got all of my tasks taken care of on my To Do List and Alexa has been very good to me this afternoon.

Chris's chair has been evaluated and the repairs are going to be taken care of soon, hopefully. Jayne joined me today out on the airbase and she got some shopping done and she got to visit the commissary to purchase some groceries. It was a productive morning.

Elise just left for her book club meeting at "La Trattoria Pina". I will be enjoying a pepperoni pizza for dinner when she returns. Ya, ya. Chris is in his bed resting  and watching TV. I will get him fed shortly.

Have a wonderful evening and sleep well if you can. When people say something that rubs you the wrong way you should consider the source. I have a peeve for people who run their lips without thinking first. They are called (fools).

Hey, if you could please say a prayer for our friend Elaine and her family. Her Dad is not doing well at all and it is taking a toll on her. Thanks!

Chat at you later....Jessie and Elise.


Jessie said...

Loraine, non ho idea di ragazza. Mojo credo!

countrygranny47 said...

Great sign Elsie made.
Have a good day to you both.

Cheela said...

I want that sign. It is PERFECT!!

Buon Pomeriggio!

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