Monday, November 3, 2008


Good Night All,

Well again it has been a very good day. Elise fixed a very nice dinner and we watched the DVD Finding Amanda, it was very good. I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is out playing bridge with her Mom.

We hope that everyone had a good day and we wish you a very pleasant evening.

Good Night....................................

Good Night JT. You made me proud today, thank you.

Janice, good luck tomorrow at the polls, be careful.

Paula & Marty, always good to hear from you guys.

Rosemary, thank you for the Poke.

Jeanne, good to hear from you today.

Claudia, good to hear from you today, thanks.

Pearl, I am pleased that all is going well in Germany for you.

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Buongiorno! Mood: Cautious! Music listening to: Traffic on Pima Street! Buon Giovedi!  Sete Giovedi!  How are you doing? It is a cold, clear...