Monday, November 10, 2008


Good Morning,

Mood: Cautious

Music listening to: Flashlight by Funkadelic


How are things going? We are doing fairly well here in Tucson. I started the day off at 5:30am caring for Chris. It is a cool 47 degrees out this morning. Hey, we had some thunder boomers last night and you could smell the rain in the air, but no rain. It was very windy yesterday and it prevented us from having a fire in the outside fireplace. I even had it all set up and ready to go, oh well!!

Elise is still asleep but she is going to come over to look after Chris sometime this morning. Well is is a Monday and we will see what it will bring for us. We relaxed yesterday evening after we returned from breakfast with Elise's Mom. We watched Kung Fu Panda with Chris and he enjoyed it very much. Later I went to pick up Elise's Mom so she could have dinner with us. We had one of her favorites and that is hot dogs and baked beans. We chowed down. Afterward I took her back home and Elise and I watched TV for a while before she had to crash. I continued to watch V.

After Mike the caregiver left I checked on Chris and I called it a night as well. We hope that your day will be a good one.

Stay safe..................................................

Morning JT.

Herman, thank you for the help and info about the Residence Inn, but we have a reservation at the Prescott Inn B&B.

Rosie, how are you this morning?

Sis, how was the weekend?

Marcie, how was the weekend?

Claudia, what is up for the week for you?

Gisela, how are you this morning? How are things in Alten-Buseck?

Monna, how was the weekend?

Jack, how was the weekend?

1 comment:

Monna said...

HI Jessie,
my weekend was good. Got a lot of work done. I am still working on finishing thing around the house. Setting up my teaching studio downstairs. Yesterday I washed all the windows in the house, inside and out. I even fell of the ladder but luckily did not get hurt! But, my windows are sparkling. ;-) Since the boys were with their dad, I went for a walk with my neigbours in the late afternoon and after we all set down and had something to eat and shared a glass of red wine. This afternoon I am going to finally see my favourite accupuncturist! Can't wait for the treatment. Love them. Have a good day and say hello to everyone!


Ciao! How are you doing? We are good here in windy, rainless Tucson. We just got back from Park Place Mall seeing the movie "Last Breat...