Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Day

Good Morning,

Mood: Excited

Well history has been made and it has been a long time coming. Congrats to President-Elect Obama, we wish him the best in these very trying times and we wish him good health and safety.

I started today off at 5:30am caring for Chris. The coffee is on and brewing and Elise is still asleep. It is a very nice day out and it is about 51 degrees. I have to take my car for routine servicing this morning after I turn in some paperwork into my office.

No real plans for today as of yet,so I am hoping that today will be a slow one.
I had better get busy. Have a good day all.


Morning JT, have a good one. Luv Ya.

Laura, how are you doing?

Jerome, we did it!

Sharon in the UK, it is a historic time for us, a proud day indeed.

Joe, I agree Yipee!

Sis, we did it!


Monna said...

Hi Jessie,

yes, history has been made. What a wonderful thing to happen finally in the US. I had tears in my eyes last night as I was watching and listening to Obama's speech. I noticed Oprah in the crowd crying. Wow...what a night.:) Wonderful!

Enjoy your day!

JT said...

Hi Monna,

Yes, it was a wonderful night, and not just for African-Americans but for all. Martin Luther King is seeing his dream come true at last.
Have a good day.


Buongiorno! Mood: Cautious! Music listening to: Traffic on Pima Street! Buon Giovedi!  Sete Giovedi!  How are you doing? It is a cold, clear...