Friday, November 28, 2008


Is that Santa in the kitchen? No just Eddie.

Champange roasted Turkey, Hmmmm!!

Zack the Chef before he works his magic.

Notice the reflection in the microwave of Zack, Cool, eh?

Hello Again,

Well, the day is going and that is about all I will say about it for now. Elise is up and out having breakfast with her family. I am here caring for Chris. I didn't go because I have to go to my office this morning.

Here are the photos from Turkey Day, enjoy!


Steph & Lloyd, thank you for the very nice email this morning. I am glad that you guys had a good time at Lloyd's parents. Isn't it a funny feeling not to have leftovers from Thanksgiving? That is the best part eh?

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嘿嘿 said...
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