Monday, January 7, 2013



Well, I am back from getting my (Tine) test and I will get the results on Wednesday morning. I got my other errands taken care of as well.

I am starving for some reason. I think I will make that banana smoothie real soon, smile! It is nice and sunny out but it is a bit chilly today.

Elise is out playing bridge and she will not be back until this evening. Wait a minute I have some peanut brittle to finish eating. WhoHoo! Chat at you later.


bobby said...

everyone knows peanut brittle is not a 1 person snack

Loraine said...

Hope that smoothie will add some va-va-voom to your day. You'll need the extra energy to get you ready for the Wizard showdown!

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! How are you doing? It is heating up here in the desert of Tucson. We will be hitting the 100-degree mark soon. I think this...