Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!


My day is just about done. How about yours? It has been a pretty good day even with the rain. 

My playmate prepared chili for dinner with jalapenos and saltine crackers. It was delicious. We dined and watched the "Queen" Netflix along with Chris.

Elise is in her office on her Mac and she is listening to the impeachment trial on TV. I am caring for Chris tonight. Speaking of Chris he is watching TV and enjoying his Supplemental drip.

Tomorrow it all goes well we will hit up a movie if time permits. We hope that you are doing OK? You get some sleep and we will chat at you tomorrow.

Jessie and Elise

Buona Notte!

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Ciao! Hey, how is your "Humper" going so far? I slept better than I did the night before, but my sleep is still not the same. I wa...