Monday, December 16, 2019

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!

Hope that you are doing OK? I have gone through some things over the last few days and it is unbearable. I don't deserve what I am getting, but I will get over it. I always do but I don't forget.

Have a good night and sleep well. Tomorrow is going to be similar to today. Once again I am home bound. Looking forward to our stay-cation on Wednesday.

Buona Notte...


Jessie said...

Buona Notte fidanzata!

Loraine said...

Dormi bene e sogna "Cha Chings".


Ciao! How is your Taco Tuesday going so far? I wish I had a couple of Tacos right now, smile. Mia Moglie is out playing bridge over on the E...