Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio!


Felice Compleanno a me! How are you doing? I want to thank everyone for all of the cards, texts, phone calls and emails in regards to my birthday today. Thank you all so very much.



This day has been dampened due to the passing of Elise's nephew Bobby. He had a massive heart attack in his home. I was out and Elise called me say the his doctor's office called because his heart monitor was showing problems and that it showed it twice. Elise asked me to stop by and check on him. We have been calling his phone, banging on his doors and windows with no response. Elise called the police, and fire department. They kicked the door in and he was sitting on his couch dead. He had been that way for some time by the looks of his skin. Elise contacted his son in Texas to give him the information. I got on my phone and I started to let people know what had happened. Elise also contacted the owners of the apartment.

I personally have had issues with Bobby for over a year now. I have noticed many changes in his behavior and attitude. I have always liked Bobby but I didn't like what he was doing and I let him know that. He took it as a direct attack on him and that was not the case at all. He said many things about me that I let go but I just could not allow that anymore so we were on the outs. Especially when it pertained to my character and my relationship with Elise. So I kept my distance from him and let him live his life.

We are very sad here as I know that all who knew will feel the same way. I want to give a special thanks to Elise for making my day extra special by showing her love for me. Elise and Sister Jayne have made it possible for me to spend a night at a Marriott Hotel here in town. Sister Jayne is going to spend the day and night with Chris tomorrow so this can happen. They both have noticed that I need a break and I must agree with them both. I am one lucky guy to have the  family and friends that I have. Again thank you so very much and I love you all!

I need to (Rock)!!!



Cheela said...

Jessie, thank you for calling about Bobby. Knowing this whole story, I love how you wrote this today. Your words are from the heart and yet explain how you feel. I know it has put a damper on your birthday. Just remember that you did nothing but be a good "uncle" and sometimes people can't accept that. I am so sorry that he died and that his life was difficult. I remember when we went to the cabin. He was a great guy. Sometimes life sucks and sometimes people don't always know how to handle things. But remember what I have always told you--you are one of the best men I have ever known and you give and yet you stand up for who you are and what you believe in. I am fortunate to have found a man in Dave who is like you and I love that you two have become friends! I know Dave thinks the world of you!! Love you and so glad that you are in our lives. Elise has always been in mine and your are definitely the icing on the cake! I just decided that you and Elise are going to be my next blog post! I am writing again.

Rosie said...

Well said


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