Sunday, April 12, 2020

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio!

How are you doing on this Pasqua Domenica?  We are good here and we are full.

We enjoyed a nice breakfast from the "Egg Connection" and we got it all down with plenty of hot coffee.

Elise is caring for Chris and I am restocking Chris's supplies for next week. I will do a little yardwork in the backyard and behind Chris's house.

I took a quick trip over on the east side a little while ago.  I fed the fur-babies and they are snoring as usual.

We are waiting on the Easter Zoom to start with the family at 12:30pm. We will see how that goes. Hopefully without any glitches online.

We hope that you are enjoying your Sunday. I will have a chat at you later.


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