Sunday, June 28, 2020

Buon Pomeriggio

Buon Pomeriggio!


What are you up to? We are good here. Elise is caring for Chris and I just got back from running a few errands. I dropped Sister Jayne off at Walmart like I always do on Sunday. She shops for the upcoming week for things that her Mum may like.

While I was out I picked up some leather wipes for the "Green Lady". Her seats and doors are trimmed in leather along with the steering wheel. They need to be taken care of in a few days because I don't want them to crack and split.

Elise and Chris are in the main house now watching TV. I am in Chris's house grooving to some Allstar Smooth Jazz while I restock Chris's supplies for next week. My head is rocking to the beat. Ya Mon'.

Later I will start a new #Hide Tucson Rocks. Here is what I dropped off and picked up this morning. Enjoy!

I will chat at you later...Jessie


Jessie said...

Sono di'accordo cin te che la domenica e fantstica. Goditi la cena e dai un grido a Capo Jim. Sono sicuro che le due nuove rocce sono gia andati troppo! Ho appena abbattuto un ghiacciofreddo Corona Premier con uno spicchio di lime e l'uomo era buona!

Loraine said...

La birra รจ la migliore quando fa freddo come il ghiaccio!


Buongiorno! Mood:  Blessed! Music listening to: Miss You Much by Janet Jackson! Buon Domenica!  How are you doing? It is a nice, sunny morni...