Sunday, June 28, 2020

Buon Pomeriggio

Buon Pomeriggio!


What are you up to? We are good here. Elise is caring for Chris and I just got back from running a few errands. I dropped Sister Jayne off at Walmart like I always do on Sunday. She shops for the upcoming week for things that her Mum may like.

While I was out I picked up some leather wipes for the "Green Lady". Her seats and doors are trimmed in leather along with the steering wheel. They need to be taken care of in a few days because I don't want them to crack and split.

Elise and Chris are in the main house now watching TV. I am in Chris's house grooving to some Allstar Smooth Jazz while I restock Chris's supplies for next week. My head is rocking to the beat. Ya Mon'.

Later I will start a new #Hide Tucson Rocks. Here is what I dropped off and picked up this morning. Enjoy!

I will chat at you later...Jessie


Jessie said...

Sono di'accordo cin te che la domenica e fantstica. Goditi la cena e dai un grido a Capo Jim. Sono sicuro che le due nuove rocce sono gia andati troppo! Ho appena abbattuto un ghiacciofreddo Corona Premier con uno spicchio di lime e l'uomo era buona!

Loraine said...

La birra รจ la migliore quando fa freddo come il ghiaccio!

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! Hey, it is heating up here in the "Old Pueblo". Is your day going your way? We enjoyed a good breakfast at the &q...