Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!

Did you day go like you planned? It has been a busy one here.

The new Osmosis System has been installed and that is good. Tomorrow is going to be a bear of a day. We will be taking out drawers and disconnecting the TV, appliances, stereo and surround sound, Wii, Roku, Cable box and much more. Not looking forward to it.

I prepared grilled ham and cheese sandwiches for dinner. My playmate had some sliced tomatoes to go along with her sandwich. We got it all down with a nice ice cold bottle of Pear Cider that my (fidanzata) got for us. It was delicious. Thanks (fidanzata). I have to say that my girlfriends treat me very well.

I am caring for Chris tonight and Elise is watching TV. Chris is resting and he is enjoying his supplement drip. He is watching the Big Bang on his TV.

I will finish up my latest rock this evening. Elise has finished hers. I will drop them at the Cortez location tomorrow.

Have a good night and sleep well.

Buona Notte....Jessie and Elise

Thank you for the great future New York Times.


Jessie said...

Buona Notte fidanzata.

Loraine said...

Dormi bene. Domani sarĂ  una giornata impegnativa per te ed Elise.


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