Monday, December 28, 2020

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!

How are you doing on this windy evening here in Tucson. We are good but I am really exhausted from the lack of sleep for the past two days. I will deal with it though.

I will be caring for Chris tomorrow due to Rosemary is injured and her Covid test results are not back. We will hopefully see her next week. Chris and Elise enjoyed the massage that they got today.

My playmate prepared Chili Dogs for dinner and it was very good. We watched "Schitt's Creek " on Netflix with Chris. Chris is resting and watching TV while he is having his supplemental drip. Elise is in the main house watching the news.

Tomorrow Chris will be visited by his insurance company. He will receive his annual Wellness Check up. I completed my rock today and I will start a new one. Here is what I dropped off and picked up today. Enjoy!




I also dropped a small gift off at the home of a little girl who lives in the hood. I am sure that she will enjoy it. Well I had better check on Chris. Keep your fingers crossed that I get some sleep tonight. Stay safe and I will chat at you later.

We had a return visit today by our local Hawk. It was chow time!

Buona Notte....Jessie and Elise



Jessie said...

Buona notte mia cara. Siamo lieti che ti siano piaciuto i tuoi di Natalee speriamo che tu possa usare presto i borsoni.

Loraine said...

Avevo anche un falco nel mio albero. Sembra che stia visitando il mio quartiere.

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! How are you doing? It is heating up here in the desert of Tucson. We will be hitting the 100-degree mark soon. I think this...