Monday, April 15, 2019

Buon Sera!

Buona Sera!

How did your day go? I hope way better than mine. Whatever could go wrong did today with vengeance.

First we were still not able to secure a date for doctor's appointment for Chris. Second I was stuck at home waiting for the UPS driver to bring back a package that we missed that needs to be signed for. Third the roofers dislodged the water heater vent from the ceiling in the laundry room. Fourth I worked on the fridge in the kitchen for over 3 hours due to it was making a very loud sound. I took out all of the frozen foods and I put them into a cooler. I had to take off the inside freezer panel top and bottom. The van was frozen in place. I did get that working again and so far the fridge is quiet. While I completed that task I injured my right side because I actually had to get inside of the fridge and something pulled on snapped. My whole right said and back are killing me. My playmate gave me a muscle relaxer but it is not helping. Now this is a true Monday, eh?

 I am caring for Chris but I am going to hit the sheets early tonight. This pain is horrible. Have a good night and sleep well. I hope I can.

Buona Notte….Jessie and Elise

1 comment:

Loraine said...

Wow! This has been SOME day!
Spero che il dolore diventi meno stasera. Cerca di dormire un po '.


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