Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Good Night

Good Night!   

How is your evening going? We are good here as the day starts to wind down. Well, I got my new printer and I was all geeked  up about it until I got home. I began the install process and then it happened. Yes, it did!

I inserted the software CD and there was something wrong with the CD. I tried to load it up for at 5 or 6 time and I got different error messages. I was just about to box it back up so I could return it tomorrow but I decided to try one more thing.

I went to the HP support online and I downloaded the install software and drivers and I got it to work like it should. I was just about to invent a new sport called printer ball! I was going to try for the point and kick it to the dumpster. Smile!

I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is at her book club meeting. They are at a place called "Amereno's Little Italy" Elise may bring me Pollo Parmesan or "Tortellini, I love them.

Well, I had better get busy with Chris. Have good night!
Cheers........Jessie & Elise

Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a restful night.

Jane and John, take it slow.

Loraine, where are you?


Loraine said...

I know you'll enjoy the Italian food. It is wonderful.

Stay happy!

Jessie said...

Loraine I am in heaven. It was delicious. I devoured every bit of it.

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! What is going on around your way? It is a cold day here in Tucson, and we have a wind advisory. In a day our two we will be...