Monday, May 7, 2012

Good Night

Another day has come to a close. How was yours? Things went pretty good for a Monday. I feel a little sluggish and tired but other than that I am good.

Chris and I rested for the most part today. I did get my errands taken care of this morning. Bobby did not show up this morning due to a mix up on dates. Bobby will be here next Monday at 8:00am to care for Chris.

Elise prepared soup for dinner, sandwiches, cottage cheese and sliced tomatoes. We got it all down with root beer. We also watched a few more episodes of "Friday Night Lights" with Chris.

Well, I had better get busy with Chris. I will post some of the pictures from our trip to the Arizona Desert Museum tomorrow. I am still sorting them out.
Cheers......Jessie & Elise

Tiger, Marcie,Jet have a good night.

Jane and John, how did the trip to Mt. Lemmon go?

Loraine, have a good evening.

Olivia, how are you doing?

Liz, how are you feeling?

Sara, did you get the pics I sent?

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