Sunday, May 26, 2019




How are you doing? We are good and stuffed. We just got back from the "Egg Connection" and the food was very good. We were told by Levi that the lady that we payed it forward for was so grateful that it brought her to tears. It is a very good feeling to pay it forward when we can.

Elise is caring for Chris and I have to make a trip to pick up some meds and some ink for the printer. After that I will do some yard work behind Chris's house. I will also restock all of his supplies for next week.

Hope that your morning is going well? I will have a chat at you later before we head out to Zemams. Be careful out there.

Later...Jessie and Elise


Loraine said...

I "memi" sono meravigliosi, specialmente il "meme" sul viaggio.

Jessie said...

Meravigliosa ragazza!

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! Are you still freezing desert dwellers? I know that I am. Brrrr! This cold snap is supposed to last a few more days. I have...