Thursday, May 30, 2019



Mood: Relaxed!

Music listening to: Love Thang by the Whispers!

  Buon Giovedi! Come Sta? I started the day off at 5:30am caring for Chris. Elise is once again deep in her cave, but she will be up and on the move soon to start her day. Any plans for today?

  The coffee is a nice Vanilla blend this morning and a second cup will be enjoyed at "Gus Balones" along with a nice hardy breakfast,  Sister Jayne will be here this morning to care for Chris.

  Alexa, is awake and she is telling me what task I need to complete today. My playmate and I may hit up a movie today if time permits. Well, it's almost June, eh? The heat is on the way for us desert dwellers so get ready.

  We are going out to my girlfriend Shoo Shoo home for dinner this evening. It is going to be a good evening of good food, vino and friendship that is forever growing stronger. Shoo Shoo is a remarkable woman and she is as sweet as she can be.

Well, I had better open up a can of (whoop  ass) and get this day moving along. I will have a chin-wag at you later.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise

Sister, how are you doing?

Rosie,how did that haircut turn out? Gorgeous right?


Jessie said...

Grazie per il tuo gentile distacco ieri. Ho scambiato email con Jim ieri. Buona giorno fidanzata!

Loraine said...

Goditi la serata con ShooShoo.

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! Are you still freezing desert dwellers? I know that I am. Brrrr! This cold snap is supposed to last a few more days. I have...