Saturday, January 19, 2019




Mood: Content!

Music listening to: Bad Mama Jama by Carl Carlton!

  Buon Sabato! How are you doing? I started the day off at 6:00am caring for Chris. Elise is stirring about this morning so she will be up and about to start her Sabato! soon. Any plans for today?

  The coffee is good and once again it is a nice refreshing Crème Brulee blend. A second cup will be enjoyed later this morning. Rick will be here this morning to care for Chris and Sister Jayne will be here this evening.

  Alexa, is on point this morning and she is reminding me that today is going to be a very busy day for me. Starting off with some yard work in the front yard.

  Our daughter Tangye will be here for a stay-over today. We will catch up on all that has been going on in her part of Arizona. We will enjoy a nice dinner and of course a few libations at the "Outback". Ya, ya! She will occupy Do Drop Inn room #2. I will give it a quick check later this morning.

  My playmate and I enjoyed Happy Hour at "La Parrilla Suiza" last night. The margaritas were good and the Queso Fundito was fantastic. After Happy Hour we ventured over to the "Live Theater Workshop" to see the play "Stage Kiss". This play lived up to its reviews and surpassed them. It was hilarious and the acting was superb. The theater was packed and that is great. Elise and  were pleased to see the return of Shanna Brock who played the part of (she). Shanna is hilarious and she was one of the main draws to Live Theater Workshop for us. The whole cast was hilarious and we recommend this play tremendously. You will not be disappointed. 

  Our Wildcats play tonight. Go Cats! Tomorrow my shorty and I will be watching the football games that will decide who goes to the Super Bowl. Once again the bet will be on and we will select the a place to dine for the winner of the bet. My shorty and I love to do this.

 Well, I had better get my (mojo) turned on and get this day pressing forward. Have a good Sabato!

Ciao....Jessie and Elise

I want to thank everyone who sent out prayers and best wishes for Jane and John's friend who was involved in a accident. Thank you all so very much. The prayers came from all over to include Canada, Germany and Australia.


Jessie said...

Rosie, thank you for posting a prayer on the blog.

Jessie said...

Buongiorno fidanzata e Capo Jim!

Loraine said...

Sembra che il venerdì sera sia stato un successo!

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! 21 Feb Sister Beauty How goes it for you this TGIF?  We are doing ok here in the desert of Tucson. My shorty is in Green Va...