Thursday, January 31, 2019





Mood: Content!

Music listening to: Push It by Salt and Peppa!

  Buon Giovedi! How are you doing? I started the day off at 6:00am caring for Chris. Elise popped up with me this morning like a pop tart out of a toaster to start her day. Any plans for today?

  The coffee just finished brewing a nice French Roast that is very good. A second cup will be enjoyed later this morning. It is another mild morning here in the valley of Tucson. Sister Jayne will be here this morning to care for Chris.

  Alexa, is awake and she is reminding me of my To Do Lists tasks that need to be done today. I requested that she play some Down Home Blues for me today. We will see if she will grant my wish, eh? Are you ready for February? 

   My playmate and I enjoyed a nice dinner last night at the Red Lobster with Nancy and Jeff from New Mexico. It has been quite awhile since we have seen them. We got all caught up on the happenings with them and the family. The food was good and so were the Martini's that my shorty and I had. A wonderful evening!

   My shorty and I are going to have breakfast this morning at "Gus Balones" and later in the day will hit up a movie. Have a good Giovedi and stay safe, happy and healthy. I will have a chin-wag with you later.

Go Cats! We play ASU tonight. We will be glued to the TV.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise

Sharon, how are you doing this morning?

Liz, what is new? 

JT, see you sometime tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019




Mood: Content!

Music listening to:Good Times by Nu Shuz!

  Buon Mercoledi! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:15am caring for Chris. Elise is not in her cave this morning. Soon she will up and on the move. Any plans for today?

  The coffee is good this morning. A nice morning blend of Arabica beans. I will enjoy a second cup later this morning. Bobby will be here this morning to care for Chris. It is a mild morning here in Tucson. I might be able to people watch out on the front porch loungers. I really do enjoy that a lot. It is still too cold for the lizard patrol and workout.

  Alexa, just reminded me that I have a few tasks to complete off of my To Do List. To include updating my Bucket List for 2019.

  I am looking forward to what she will play for me today. We are meeting up with Nancy and Jeff this evening for dinner at Red Lobster. We haven't been to the Red Lobster in years. It will be good to see them. They reside in New Mexico.

  My shorty and I are looking forward to February because in the middle of the month we are making our way to Laughlin, Nevada with Sheila and Dave. WooHoo! We will be staying at the Colorado Belle Riverboat again. We love that place.

  I woke up early this morning due to I had a dream that revealed to me that I need to slow my roll and that something is coming that is going to (piss) me off. I always pay attention to my dreams.

  Have a wonderful Mercoledi and enjoy the day. I will have a chin-wag at you later.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise

Ross and Denise, try to stay cool.

Jet and Tiger, stay warm.

JT, what is new in Phoenix?

Sweet Pea, how are you feeling this morning?

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!

Good day for you? It has been a good one for me and my playmate.

The big event for today was taking Chris to his doctors appointment and all is well with Chris. There were no good looking MA's or nurses for him to flirt with. Hey  I could feel his pain, smile. He did go wide eyed for a lady sitting across from him in the waiting room though. He got the laugh and smile going and he had her hooked. Chris has some skills. Elise was there and she got to see it all. I am glad that Elise was there with me because when we are not together it doesn't feel the same. I understand the at times we cannot do things together but it is a good time when we are together. Ya,ya!

Elise prepared cornbread and pinto beans for dinner. We also had baby carrots and sliced tomatoes. It was all good. We watched "Schitt's Creek" The Kominsky Method" and "Hawaii 5 O" on Netflix with Chris. He loved it like always.

I have been caring for Chris all day and I believe that Chris was very pleased that I was there. He gave me a run for my money today and it felt good.

I got emails and compliments from my fidanzata,  Jayne, Jane, Flo and Debbie today and I appreciate you all very much. I have a good life with wonderful friends who are very sincere. You make my life grand and you know who you are. I cannot stand fakes, back-stabbers, but that is just me.

Have a great evening and sleep well. Get ready for a new day!

Buona Notte...Jessie and Elise

Come Va?

Come Va? Have a great Martedi. Hope that this short video finds you in good spirits.




Well, It has turned into a Monday around here. Yes, it is a real (SNAFU).

Just got a text from the caregiver saying that he cannot make if today due to he has to appear in court this morning. 

So being the professional that I am I will make sure that Chris's day moves forward. This job requires a person with very strong work habits, patience, compassion and the necessary medical skills and training to do a job like this. I have been at this for over 27 years. You have to be able to switch places with the person or persons that you are charged with. Yes, you have to be in the patients or clients shoes. I have not met many who could do or give all to this profession, but when you do meet one they are a joy and a blessing.

Well, I had better get to it. Chat at you later.




Mood: Relaxed! Chocolatized! Rummied! Giggles!

Music listening to: Bad Mama Jama by Carl Carlson!

  Buon Martedi! Come Va? I started the day off at 5:30am caring for Chris. My playmate was up and about getting ready to go to the gym at 5:00am. Any plans for today?

  The coffee is good this morning. It is a nice Hazelnut blend and a second cup will be enjoyed later this morning. Rick will be here this morning to care for Chris.

  Alexa, is awake and she is telling me that I have a few To Do Tasks to take care of today. I will be taking Chris to a doctor's appointment that is set for 3:00pm. Hopefully Alexa will play some Fusion Jazz for me today.

 Have a wonderful Martedi and enjoy the day. Stay safe, happy and healthy. I will have a chin wag at you later.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise

Ross and Denise, how are you?

Rosie, what is new in Aussie land?

Erika, how are things in Germany?

Liz, how are you doing?

Olivia, what is new in Marietta, Georgia?

Monday, January 28, 2019

Buona Notte!

Buona Notte!

The day has come to an end. How was yours? It has been a busy one for me but I got through it.

My playmate prepared corn cakes, sausages and eggs for dinner. It was all good. Got it all down with plenty of coffee. We watched Schitt's Creek, Kominski's Way, and Hawaii 5 O. Chris enjoyed it all.

I am caring for Chris tonight and Elise is in her office on her Mac. Have a wonderful evening and sleep well.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise

Always good to hear from you Monna.

Come Va?

Come Va?

What is going on around your way? The sun is warming things up here in the desert, eh?

I completed all of To Do Tasks and now I am waiting on the people to come out to clean out the dryer vent in the main house. It is a good idea to have this done to prevent a flash fire while using your dryer.

Chris is resting and he is looking forward to his massage this afternoon. Lucky dude, eh? I am starting to get a  little hungry so I am going to attack some leftovers that is in the fridge.

One day this week I am going to purchase a brisket and a few spareribs so I can smoke them in the smoker. I am also going to purchase some more "Warsteiner" in the 5.1 liter keg as well. Sounds like I want to get my grub on right? Sure you're right. Ya, ya.

Hope you are enjoying your day so far? 




Mood: Content!

Music listening to: Do Me by Boyz to Men!

  Buon Lunedi! How are you? I started the day off at 6:00am caring for Chris. Elise is in her cave but she is stirring about so she will up and on the move soon to start her day. Any plans for today?

 The coffee just finished brewing and it is a very nice vanilla blend. A second cup will be downed later this morning. It is a mild morning here in the valley of Tucson.

 Alexa, is awake and she is reminding me that I have a couple of To Do List tasks to take care of. I have to run to my office to turn in some paperwork and pick up some gloves post haste. Hopefully she will play some Down Home Blues for me today.

 My shorty and I saw the movie "Bumblebee" yesterday and it was pretty good. After the movie we venture over to Fry's to do a little grocery shopping. After the shopping was do we went to "Oregano's" for dinner. We enjoyed a loaded thin crust pizza and a bottle of a good red. For dessert we enjoyed a "Bellini"

 Well, I had better get to steppin". Have a good Lunedi and stay safe. Will have a chin-wag at you later.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise

Sunday, January 27, 2019



Mood: Content!

Music listening to: Every Step I Take by Puff Daddy!

  Boun Domenica! How are you doing? I started the day off at 6:00am. Jayne is here caring for Chris this morning. Any plans for today?

  The coffee is good and a second cup will enjoyed later this morning. It is a cold 34 degrees here in the valley of Tucson but it will heat up to around 70 or more. 

 I just relieved Sister Jayne so she can prepare for church services. I will pick her up from church at around noon and she will resume caring for Chris. Chris is doing much better today and he is having a tongue-wag with me right now. Smile!

 Elise contacted me last night to say the family reunion went well and the she was glad to see everyone. She said everyone wanted to know where I was and she had to explain why I wasn't there.. It is a good feeling to be missed, eh? Elise will be returning sometime today. I am sure that we will hit up a movie this evening. This is one of the very rare times that we are not together as many of you know.

 I got plenty of rest because Jayne was here. I prepared some center cut pork chops and tater tots for dinner yesterday. I have to tell you I got my grub on and so did Jayne. I got it all down with a ice cold "Warsteiner". Wow, it was good and Jayne thought so too! Jayne said that she slept very well.

 Well, you have a great Domenica and enjoy the day and get ready for Lunedi! I will chat at you later.


Friday, January 25, 2019

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!

How are you doing? We are good here in the valley of Tucson.

We had a very nice time on our stay-cation at the DDC. The slots didn't sing out like we thought that they would be we had a good time anyway. The food and the Jacks were great as always. Will we return in the near future? Of course we will.



We and to thank Sister Jayne for taking excellent care of Chris while we were away. Jayne noticed this afternoon that Chris was not feeling well and she called for me to come over to have a look. She had already taken his vitals and all was good except his BP was a little high him for Chris. He seemed very lethargic like he did on Thursday morning.  I have him on a drip right now to see if that helps. I am sure that the problem is gastric by some of the sounds and mannerisms he is showing. Thank you Jayne for noticing it and taking action.

I informed Elise and she gave Chris the once over as well. Elise is now making her way to Mesa, Arizona for a reunion. I would have gone with her but I have to renew my certifications and license tomorrow morning . It is going to be a long day for me let me tell you.

Please if you could say a prayer for Marv. We found out today that he is back in hospital. I will be working in his place tonight. 

We hope that your day is going well and we wish you a very nice fun filled weekend.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise

Thursday, January 24, 2019




Mood: Frustrated!

Music listening to: Dropped A Bomb On Me by the Gap Band!

  Buon Giovedi! How are you doing? I started the day off at 6:00am caring for Chris. Elise is deep in her cave this morning but she will up and on the move soon. Any plans for today?

  I am just having my first cup this morning due to I had to tend to Chris as soon as I got over to his house. He had several issues that needed to be addressed that should not have been. So I took care of it and we moved forward with his day. Sister Jayne is here now and she has taken over. 

 It is a very cold morning here in the valley. It is 32 degrees out and it makes you say brrr! Alexa is awake and she is telling me that I have just a few things to take care of today.

 My shorty and I may hit up a movie today before we start are stay-cation at the DDC. We had a very nice evening last night at "Leo's" with Jane and Papa John". The food was good and the margaritas were the (Sh@t). We got all caught up on the happenings because it has been awhile since we have gotten together. 



 We are looking forward to this stay-cation and hopefully the Cha Chings will be ring loud and clear. Smile! Have a great Giovedi and be careful out there. 

Ciao....Jessie and Elise

Wednesday, January 23, 2019




Mood: Content! 

Music listening to: Let's Talk About Se by Salt and Peppa!

  Buon Mercoledi! How are you? I started the day off at 6:00an caring for Chris. Elise is deep in her cave this morning but she will be up and about soon to start her day. Any plans for today?

  The coffee is good and a second cup will be enjoyed a bit later this morning. It is a cold on here in Tucson but hopefully it will heat up a tad soon. Bobby will be here this morning to care for Chris.

  Alexa, is awake and she just gave me a little heads up on what I need to get done today. I have the energy to get it done because my playmate brought be a fantastic dinner from "Caruso's" last night. yes, she did.

 I grubbed on a Meat Cannelloni", Rigatoni in a nice spicy sauce, and some spaghetti with a good meat sauce and the bread was to die for. I got it all down with a boot of "Warsteiner" bier that was ice cold. If  a bottle of Morelli birra was available I would have though that I was back in Florence sitting at a outside table at the "Duomo". Great dinner. 

My shorty also told me that I was being talked about during the book club meeting about how I am when it comes to me and my personality. I appreciate being talked up and I am grateful but it all stems from my (moglie) who makes my life what it is. And I cannot leave out my (fidanzata) and the many I call my girlfriends. You know who you are and I thank you so much for being a part of my life. Mille Grazia!

 Today my playmate and  I will be packing up our duffel for our stay-cation at the DDC tomorrow. Wish us good luck with plenty of Cha Chings!

 This evening we are meeting up with Jane and Papa John at "Leo's". Can you margarita? We will be without a doubt. Have a great Mercoledi and stay safe. Chat at you later.

Ciao....Jessie and Elise.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Buona Notta!

Buona Notte!

Hey, it is still a cold day here in Tucson. What is up with that? Are you doing OK?

It has been a pretty good day here in Central Tucson, nice and quiet and serene if you will.

I have been looking at river cruises down the Mississippi and I came across one that caught my eye. My playmate and I will have a tongue-wag about it. We also received a offer for a free Norwegian cruise that we may look into as well.

I got my duffle bag out so it can be packed for our DDC stay Thursday evening. I just put a boot in the freezer so it can be nice and chilled so I can fill it up with some "Warsteiner" bier.  I will enjoy it with my "Meat Cannelloni" that my shorty is going to bring me for dinner after her book club is over. Ya, ya!

Chris just finished his dinner and now he is enjoying his supplement while watching the "Big Bang". He is very content.

Have a great evening and sleep well if you can. Chat at you later.

Buona Notte.. Jessie and Elise 

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!

What is going on around your way? It is cold today here in the valley. The sun is out and it is about 60 degrees with a slight breeze.

 I got all of my tasks taken care and Alexa, is very happy. So happy that she is playing some (Boney) for me and she knows that always puts me in a very good mood.

While I was out taking care of my errands I all of a sudden got really hungry. I thought that I could wait until my shorty brought me some dinner from "Caruso's" but I could not do it. So I stopped in to Smash Burger for a burger and fries and it was very good. All I need now is a frosted boot of "Warsteiner" bier! Ya, ya!

I hope that the rest of your day goes well for you. I will have a tongue-wag at you later.




Mood: Relaxed! Chocolated! Rummied!

Music listening to: You Dropped A Bomb On Me by Gap Band!

  Buon Martedi! Come Stai? I started the day off at 5:15am caring for Chris. Elise popped up at 5:00am to start her day. Any plans for today?

  The coffee is good and a second cup will be enjoyed later this morning. It s a bit cold this morning her in the Old Pueblo. Rick will be here this morning to care for Chris. Hey it is getting close for me to start sitting on the lounge chair on the front porch to people watch. Soon I will be watching the lizard patrol and I will watch them do morning push-ups. Ya, ya!

  Hey the Jacuzzi temperature is a nice 102 degrees. I may have to dive in today if time permits. Alexa is awake and she is telling all that I need to get done today. She even said that she would play some (Boney) for me today if I do what I am told. Really? She who must be obeyed.

  My playmate will be going to "Caruso's" this evening with her book club. I will have to take a gander at the menu to see what I might like for dinner. It's Italian and it is all good. "Capito"?

  Well, I had better get to it. Have a great Martedi. I will (holla) at you later. 

Ciao...Jessie and Elise

Monday, January 21, 2019

Buona Notte!

Buona Notte!

The day is just about done. Was it a good one for you? It has been a busy one here but a good one. 

Alexa, didn't play any (Boney) for me but I enjoyed the Smooth Jazz. I learned another lesson in human behavior today and it took me aback a little but it didn't floor me. 

My shorty prepared homemade blueberry pancakes, sausages, eggs and we got it all down with plenty of coffee. We watched "Schitt's Creek" The Fosters" Kominsky Way" and "Hawaii 5 O" on Netflix. Chris enjoyed watching it with us.

I am caring for Chris tonight and my shorty is in her office on her Mac. Tomorrow is going to be another busy one for me and Alexa better play some (Boney) for me, smile!

Have a great evening and sleep well. Chat at you tomorrow.

Buona Notte! ...Jessie and Elise



What is up with you? I am doing OK. I am working off my To Do List and Alexa is refusing to play some (Boney) for me until I have finished my tasks. She is treating me to some Smooth Jazz right now. What a task-master she is.

Hey how about the footballs games? Well the bet is on for my shorty and I. Elise is taking the Patriots under duress and I am taking the Rams under duress as well. Elise wanted the KC and I wanted Saints. So the place for the winner will be Sullivan's Steakhouse. Super expensive let me tell you and ala carte!

I do know and Elise, Shirlene and my nephew agree that the Saints were robbed big time. Chris is resting up waiting on the massage therapist to arrive so he can get a good rub from Rosemarie. 

Well, I had better get back to my To Do List. Chat at you later.

Buongiorno! MLK Day!

Buongiorno!   MLK Day!

Mood: Content!

Music listening to: Why You Treat Me So Bad?

  Buon Lunedi! How are you doing? I started the day off at 6:00am caring for Chris.. Elise is deep in her cave this morning but she will be putting feet to the floor soon to start her day. Any plans for today?

  The coffee is very good as a matter of fact it is a very good Cappuccino. It is another mild morning her in the valley of Tucson.

  Alexa, is giving me a tongue-wag already this morning. I have a lot of tasks to take care of today. Hopefully she will play some (Boney) for me so I can glide through the day.

  It is going to a very busy week for me and my playmate this week. To break things up my shorty and I have a break on Thursday evening. We will use our perks and stay at the DDC and hit the slots and enjoy a free dinner. Hopefully the slots will Cha Ching for us this trip. On Saturday I have to been in class early in the morning to renew my certifications and license. My shorty will be in Tempe attending a reunion with family members.

  Hey, I have to report that my baby scallops was the bomb. Elise's risotto was divine. I was a bit worried that the baby scallops would be over-cooked but they came out fantastic. I wish that I could have found my chef hat I would have taken a photo. Sister Jayne enjoyed it as well. My next culinary event will be that I am going to smoke a brisket for about 15 hours in the smoker and I know that will be excellent. I hope to find my chefs hat by then and I will don my apron and gloves that were made for me by my (angel) in New Orleans.

  Well, I had better get to it. Have a good Lunedi and stay safe. Chat at you later.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio!



How are you? We are good here.  I have completed all of the tasks that I am going to do today. Now it is time for some football.

Go Saints and Kansas. Woohoo! Don't let me down!

We enjoyed a very nice breakfast with our daughter Tangye at the "Egg Connection" this morning. The food was good and so was then live music.

Elise is in the main house with Chris watching the football game and I am in Chris's house restocking items for next week. I also have the football game on.

We want to thank Sister Jayne for sharing her grilled chicken that she prepared yesterday. It is oh so good especially with a nice boot of "Warsteiner". Ya,Ya!

I will be preparing the scallops later and my playmate will prepare some risotto to go along with the scallops. I am sure it will be delicious and it will go along very well with some football. My sister Marcie is fixing a mess of chili for dinner but she has no interest in football. Chili is some good tail-gating snack.

Gotta Go. Chat at you later.. Woo Dat!


Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! 21 Feb Sister Beauty How goes it for you this TGIF?  We are doing ok here in the desert of Tucson. My shorty is in Green Va...