Wednesday, September 28, 2022




Mood: Cautious! Eyes Wide Open!

Music listening to: Let's Hear It for The Boy by Denise Williams!

Buongiorno! Buon Mercoledi!  Hump Day!  How are you doing? We started the day off at 5:30am caring for Chris. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Signature Blend, and a second cup will be a "French Press". It is a clear morning here in the Old Pueblo.

Sister Jayne will be here this morning to care for Chris. Alexa is awake and she said that I have a lot of tasks to get done today to include a trip over on the eastside. I asked her to play some "Fusion Jazz" for me today.

My playmate and I attended a book signing last night at the "Botanical Gardens". The author is our longtime friend "Sharon Kha". It was a major event, and the turnout was very good. Her book titled "Grit and Wisdom" it is an excellent book. Congrats Sharon a job well done.


Well, we are still discussing what to pack for our cruise. I have laid out a few items already. It is going to be a bit chilly on the east coast for sure. 

Well, I had better check on Chris. I started an anti-bi this morning for Chris. He has some congestion and a cough, and we don't want it to turn into pneumonia.

Have a good Humper and I will chat at you later. Enjoy the day.

Today's challenge word is (sano). To my fidanzata and my girlfriends stay (sano).

Ciao...Jessie and Elise


Jessie said...

Buongiorno fidanzata. Come ti senti oggi? Quali sono i tuoi piani per oggi? Abbracci!

Loraine said...

Dedico sempre parte della mia giornata a mantenermi in sano. Anche tu?

Jessie said...

Si, fidanzata.

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! How is your Sabato going so far? It is a busy one for us here in Midtown Tucson. I have been working on my latest rock and ...