Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Buona Sera!

Buona Sera!

The day is just about over. How was yours? It has been a busy one for us today and tomorrow is going to be a repeat.

My playmate prepared breakfast for dinner. We had homemade waffles, eggs, and sausages. It was all good and we got it down with plenty of coffee. We watched "Midsomer Murders" with Chris on DVD's.

I am caring for Chris tonight. My shorty is in the main house watching the news. Chris is watching TV and downing his supplemental drip. He will enjoy some mashed potatoes in a bit if he wants some.

I worked on a new rock today and I am just about finished with it. My shorty is still working on her new one.

Our suitcases are out and ready to be packed for Thursday. Hey, we got some rain and thunderboomers a little while ago. Refreshing! Azalya, our fur baby is waiting to get fed so I had better get that done. 

Well, I had better get busy with Chris. Enjoy your evening so you can be prepared for "Hump Day". I will chat at you later.

Buona notte...Jessie and Elise   


Jessie said...

Buona notte fidanzata.

Loraine said...

Riposati bene stasera e divertiti in cabina.

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! How is your Sabato going so far? It is a busy one for us here in Midtown Tucson. I have been working on my latest rock and ...