Sunday, January 21, 2024




Mood: Content! Blessed!

Music listening to:  What Rose Forgot a Book on CD!

Buon Domenica!  How are you doing? We started the day off at 5:30am caring for Chris. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Donut Shop Blend, with a splash of Milky Way. It is a nice, cloudy morning here in Tucson. We got rained on during the night and it is always needed here in the desert.

Mia Moglie is caring for Chris today. Alexa is awake and she said that I need to make my way out to the airbase this morning after breakfast. I asked her to play some music to cook by. Yes, today is Chefs Day. 

My Sous Chef and I will be once again tossing around pots and pans in the (cucina) again. We will be dining on Spaghetti ala Ragu. My Sous will select the proper libation to accompany the meal.

We will be glued to the TV this afternoon. We will be watching our Chiefs play the Bills. Go Chiefs!

I am still reviewing the photos from our staycation in Maricopa, Arizona. I will post about our stay as soon as I can.

My playmate and I enjoyed our dinner at the "Kingfisher" last night. We were joined by Edwina. My girlfriend Shoo Shoo was going to join us but she was under the weather. 

Our dinner was very good, and the "Kingfisher" was packed. Edwina enjoyed her Shrimp Cakes, Mia Moglie enjoyed her Hawaiian Fish, and I loved my rack of Baby Backs. The Baby Backs would have the approval of Sharon Kha. We downed a nice (Lodi) named "Two Shepards". 

During dinner Edwina said that she knows we have to get-away every now and then, but she doesn't like it. Her reasoning was that when we are gone, she misses the blog. She starts her day with it, and she knows what we are doing. That really pulled at my heart strings, and I felt really good. I have heard this from many of my blog followers in the past, but to have her to tell me face to face was very special. She also said that she loved me as well. Oh my!  I thanked her dearly. 




After dinner Mia Moglie and I made our way to the "Berger" to see the live play presented by "Invisible Theater" a play titled "Shirley Chisholm Unbossed and Unbowed". Starring Ingrid Griffith. 

This play was excellent, and it hit home for me in many ways. It reminded me of my upbringing in 
Detroit with the strong values of my parents. Shirley Chisholm was a remarkable woman way ahead of her time.

With statements like "The people in power only care about themselves and they will do whatever it takes to keep that power". Or "Don't go along just to get along". And my favorite is "When they won't give you a seat, bring a folding chair". This was a powerful play about a child of immigrants who stood by their strong convictions. The standing ovation that she received was well deserved. I left the theater with a greater since of pride. My girlfriend Shoo Shoo and Edwina would have enjoyed this one.

My shorty and I will be enjoying a good breakfast at the "Egg Connection" in a bit. 

Have a good Domenica. Stay safe and I will chat at you later.

Today's challenge word is (orgoglio). I am feeling very (orgoglio) this morning. I am very (orgoglio) of Mia Moglie, Mia Fidanzata, and all of my girlfriends. Grazie!

Ciao...Jessie and Elise  


Jessie said...

Buongiorno fidanzata. Buona domenica!

"Non aspettare che gli altri siano felici per te. Ogni felicita che ottieni devi farla da solo.

Alice Walker

Loraine said...

Grazie per le citazioni di Shirley Chisholm. Sì, era una donna orgogliosa della sua eredità e fiduciosa nelle sue capacità.

La felicità non è un obiettivo; è un sottoprodotto.

Eleonora Roosevelt

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! 21 Feb Sister Beauty How goes it for you this TGIF?  We are doing ok here in the desert of Tucson. My shorty is in Green Va...