Friday, January 12, 2024



12 Jan my girlfriend (Shoo Shoo)

Mood: Content!

Music listening to:  The Whole Truth a Book on CD!

Buon Venerdi!  TGIF!  How are you doing?  We started the day off at 5:30am caring for Chris. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Hawaiian Blend, and a second cup will be downed later this morning. It is a very, very cold morning here in the valley of Tucson.

I am caring for Chris today up until 11am when Sorella Jayne arrives. Alexa is awake and she said that I don't have any tasks to complete today. I asked her to play some "Smooth Jazz" for me today.

We were informed by Sorella Jayne last night Chris was not feeling well. We went over to see how he was and was not well. He had a temperature of 100 degrees and his eyes didn't look well. I checked his ears, throat, and I listened to his chest. I checked his urine for color and smell. We gave him 30ml Tylenol, and we stopped his supplemental drip. His output didn't look good, so we started a vitamin C drip. He is on an anti-bi. 

This morning he still has a low-grade fever. I will keep an eye on it, just in case more Tylenol is needed.  He tolerated his supplemental drip this morning. 

We enjoyed a very nice evening at "Tumerico" with Paula, Marty, and my girlfriend Shoo Shoo. The food was pretty good, and we got caught on the latest event. 

11 Jan at Tumerico with Paula, Marty, Shoo, Mia Moglie

My playmate is working on her rock of Chris, and it is outstanding. It will be a keeper. I will put a rock out in the hood today. Here is the rock we dropped in Green Valley.

11 Jan dropped in Green Valley

Well, I had better get busy with Chris. Have a good TGIF! Stay safe and I will have a chinwag at you later. My shorty and I will be hitting up Park Mall to see the movie "American Fiction". The previews looked really good.

Today's challenge word is (Francobollo). Mia Moglie is a lover of (Francobolli). Fidanzata, bundle up!

Ciao...Jessie and Elise 


Jessie said...

Buongiorno fidanzata. E' in TGIF freddo. Cosa fai oggi?

"Se non hai dubbi e paure quando insegui un sogno, allora non hai sognato abbastanza in grande.

Joe Vitale

Jessie said...

Good Morning Country Granny,

The language is (Italian).

Loraine said...

Francobollo è un ballo?

I sogni sono le risposte di oggi alle domande di domani.

Edgar Cayce

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! 21 Feb Sister Beauty How goes it for you this TGIF?  We are doing ok here in the desert of Tucson. My shorty is in Green Va...