Tuesday, February 15, 2022



How are you doing? I hope way better than I am right. I lost my (merda) a bit ago. My (felicita) has disappeared big time. 

To sum that up I am pissed! The caregiver brought Chris over to the main house when her shift was done. She left and we always check Chris to make sure he is ok. Well, he was not. His clothes were soaked, his Roho seat was soaked, his Hoyer sling was soaked, under the Roho seat was soaked all the way to the base of his wheelchair. No excuse for that.

I took Chris over to his house to get him cleaned up. As soon as I got into his room, I saw that his bed was soaked as well. I mean soaked thru to the APP. Now I am saying (merda) again and again. How can you not see that when you get Chris out of bed? Impossible!

I got Chris undressed and I gave him a complete shower. I changed all of his linen and I put him to bed for the day. I had to change his catheter as well. This is not good at all. I said a few more choice words and Chris started laughing. I will leave the wet linen, Roho cover, so I can show it toElise when she returns. I already texted her about the problem as soon as I saw it.  I need to calm down, (merda). Say it with me (merda)!



countrygranny47 said...

Oh my Jessie, that is not good at all.
By the sounds of it, caregiver will be getting an earful when she comes back. If she comes back. Holy crap,,,
I understand 100% why your so pissed.

Jessie said...

Hi Country Granny,

Not good at all Mary. I totally lost my (Merda). I am still pissed.

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! 21 Feb Sister Beauty How goes it for you this TGIF?  We are doing ok here in the desert of Tucson. My shorty is in Green Va...