Tuesday, February 15, 2022



Mood: Content!

Music listening to: Knocking the Boots!

Buon Martedi!  Taco Tuesday! How are you? We started the day off at 5:30am caring for Chris. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a Guatemala Organic Blend, and a second cup will be enjoyed later this morning. It a nice morning here in the valley of Tucson.

Jackie will be here this morning to care for Chris. Alexa is awake and she said that I a few tasks to complete today. To include a trip over on the eastside. I asked her to play some (happy) music today.

I will be starting a new rock today. Chris the iRobot will be coming out of his cradle today to clean the main house carpet.

Hey, what is your (felicita) factor today? Mine is about a 7 this morning and that is not bad. So, as you can see today's challenge word is (felicita). Go for it fidanzata.

Have a good Taco Tuesday and I will chat at you later. Stay safe.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise


Jessie said...

Buongiorno fidanzata. E un taco tuesday. Quali sono i tuoi piani per oggi?

Loraine said...

Ho alcune faccende da fare ma la felicità è sempre nei miei piani. La vita è troppo breve per non essere felici.

Buon Pomeriggio!

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