Buona Sera!
How did your first day of 2023 go? It has been a very good one here.
My thing for this year is to be more forceful when I need to do so. I have changed my attitude about many things, and I can see that it is working already. It feels very good. I am not going to go along just to get along. Ya Mon'.
We watched tons of football today and we loved it, to include Chris. I am caring for Chris tonight, and he is watching football and downing his supplemental drip.
My shorty is in the main house watching football as well. We are both stuffed to the gills. Yes, today was Chef's Day and let me tell you that I outdid myself on this the first day of 2023.
I prepared Baked Chicken with Rice, and it was delicious. We got it all down with a very nice Vodka and Grapefruit. The grapefruit came from our niece Sara and Matt. Thanks guys, great grapefruit. Have a look.
Well, I had better check on Chris. Get a good night's sleep so you can be prepared for the first Monday of 2023. I will chat at you later. Stay safe.
Happy New Year...Jessie and Elise
Buona notte fidanzata.
Sono contento che oggi sia stato un buon primo giorno dell'anno. Spero che il resto del 2023 vada bene anche per te.
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