Saturday, April 16, 2011


Good Morning Mood: Concerned, worried Music listening to: None, birds chirping. How are you? I started the day off at 5:00am checking over my packing for the mountains near Portal, AZ. Elise is still asleep but she will be up shortly. She had a rough night of tossing and turning and getting up several times. We will be heading out for our overnight camping trip at around 9:00am this morning. It should be fun but I will have to keep an eye on Elise and keep her from overdoing things. While we are there I will be writing things for my book that I am working on. I have quite a bit about my Dad and i am waiting on input from my brother Herman and a few photos. Well, I had better get to it. No laptop on this one but plenty of Jack and Coke to get the old brain cells working. Have a great Saturday. Cheers.............. Tiger, Marcie,Jet have a good one. JT, I haven't heard anything from you about electric company. Loraine, have a good day. Flo and John, stay safe. Ross, have a good weekend. When it rains it pour, eh? Sis, have a good one in the (A).

1 comment:

Cheela said...

Can hardly wait to see you! Hope Elise will be able to enjoy herself despite the pain!

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! What is going on around your way? It is a cold day here in Tucson, and we have a wind advisory. In a day our two we will be...