Friday, April 3, 2015


Good Morning!                          

Mood: Tired! Sleepless In Tucson!

Music listening to: Rocket To U by the Jets

   It's a TGIF! How are you doing? I started the day off 5:00am caring for Chris. but my day started off several times during the night. Elise is not in her cave this morning so she will be up and about soon. Any plans for today?

  The coffee is good and I think that I will have a coke this morning to try to settle my stomach that has had me singing a song most of the night.

   That song title is "Skip, Skip, To The Loo". It that TMI? We had a very nice evening with Mike and Vicki at "Claim Jumper". The drinks were very good and so was the food. I guess that the wings, potato cheddar soup or the chicken pot pie did not like me one bit. I started singing the tune "Skip, Skip, To My Loo" right after we got home. It was a regular concert, smile! It canceled a possible game of "Gin Rummy" and that is so sad. I am still listening to that tune this morning but the beat and bass has lessened. Yep, that is TMI for sure. Nuff said!

   Elise is hosting a "Marathon Bridge" game here this afternoon. I will not be checking out the bidders and shufflers cars this time. Marv will be here this evening to care for Chris.

   We will be visiting Shoo and Stu this evening to play "Mahjong". We will be trying out the new 2015 Mahjong cards to see how good they are. My goal is to keep Shoo Shoo at bay this round and I am going to do it. I plan on doing the same tomorrow by keeping my nemesis the lovely Loraine at bay as well when we play "Wizard". Yep, too many trips to the "Loo" puts a whole new outlook on things, smile!

   Well, I had better check on Chris and hit the "Loo". Have a good day and enjoy. I hope that your day is "Loo" free,smile!
Later....Jessie and Elise

Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a good one.

Loraine, your time is short and so are your bids.

Jane and John, have a good one.

Mary and Bob, what is up?

JT, have a good day. You have a b-day coming up.

Flo and John, stay safe.

Monna, have a good one.

Bobby, have a good one.How are you feeling?

Shoo and Stu, your time is up?

Nicolette,how are you doing?

Olivia, what is new in the GA?

Ross and Denise, stay safe.


Bobby said...

Feeling good...tooth is healing nicely and just a few remnants of soreness...sorry to read about your situation, though. Is that the "jumper" part to which they "claim"..??

Loraine said...

Get better quickly. I don't want any excuses when I don the Wizard cape and hat.


Ciao! ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL? We are still cold here in the desert of Tucson. How about you? We just got back from the "Egg Co...