Tuesday, April 21, 2015



How are you doing? I am doing OK. Is it warm or what here in Tucson?

Well, I had a confrontation this morning with a caregiver about some concerns that I had about Chris's care. The caregiver took it way to personal and for the most part means that you are  the guilty party.

The problem this morning is that this caregiver was so taken aback that the statement was made if you are trying to get rid of me just let me know. Big mistake, big mistake.

My (DI) hat appeared on it's own without me having to go get. When that happens I am going to lay into you big time and I did. I told this caregiver how it was going to be, no ifs ands or whatever. Elise was in her office when this took place, and she knew that I was in a zone and my (DI) hat was on.

I asked the caregiver to show me how the task was being done that I had a concern about and the caregiver was doing it wrong. The caregiver apologised for taking the defensive. I told the caregiver that I was going to approach all of the other caregivers as well to see if they have a problem with the written change or concern.

I am a very easy going guy but don't get on my other side because if you do you will be there for awhile and I will make sure that you know it.

I have calmed down just a bit. I will have a "Duck Fart" later this evening to calm me all the way down. Chris and I are watching TV and Elise is at her writing class.
Peace Out!

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Ciao! How are you doing? We are good here in windy, rainless Tucson. We just got back from Park Place Mall seeing the movie "Last Breat...