Monday, May 31, 2021

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio!

What is going on around your way? We are good here but I am starting to drag a little bit, smile!

Chris is enjoying his massage right now and I mean he is enjoying it. WooHoo!

I just got back from running a errand over on the eastside of town. I am starting to get hungry, hmmm why is that?

I completed my second continuing medical class. It was on Elder Care and Abuse. I am going to work on a new rock as soon as I get Chris up and into the main house. I will complete the final class tomorrow if nothing comes up.

We hope that your day is going smoothly? I will chat at you later. I will be diving into the Jacuzzi this evening for sure.

Hey my fidanzata is starting to get antsy because I have not taunted her today. Not to worry girlfriend it is coming your way very soon. I have gotten into her head and she knows it!



Jessie said...

Ciao ragazza. Vedo che sto arrivando a te, eh? Tutto parte del mio gioco per farti pensare che sarai il vincitore questo fine settimana. Notizie flash, si sta andando a perdere un grande tempo, ma lo sai gia. Si, ya!

Loraine said...

Le tattiche intimidatorie non funzioneranno. Sabato vedrai i risultati.


Buongiorno! Mood: Content! Music listening to: A Good Night by the Black-eyed Peas! Buon Martedi!  Taco Tuesday!  How are you? It is a cold,...