Monday, March 14, 2011

Good Night

Good Night

Another day has come to a close and it has been pretty good for a Monday. Chris and I took it slow and easy today. We watched a DVD called "Deja Vu" with Elise this afternoon and she enjoyed it. I had seen it before, but it was still good.

Elise prepared soup for dinner and we watched Mash on DVD with Chris. I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is catching up on a few things. We are all packed and ready to hit the road in the morning after Rosemary arrives to care for Chris.

Well, I had better get back to Chris. Have a great evening and we will chat a you when we return. Wish us luck, eh? $$$$$$$$


Tiger,Marcie, Jet sleep well.

JT, let us know about the dermo doc and your insurance company.

Loraine, we hope to be as lucky in Vegas like I was here at home.

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