Tuesday, August 20, 2024




Mood: Relaxed! Brownied! Rummied! Redlight Special!

Music listening to: I Miss Those Days by Stevie Wonder!

Buon Martedi!  Taco Tuesday!  How are you doing? It is a nice, cloudy morning here in the valley of Tucson. Any plans for today?

The coffee is a good Caramel Blend, and a second cup will be enjoyed later this morning. Alexa is awake and she said that I need to make a trip out on the airbase. I asked her to play some "Old School" music for me today.

Chris the iRobot will be coming out of his cradle this morning to clean the main house carpet.

We are all packed and ready to hit the road for Gilbert, Phoenix, and Maricopa. We will leave at around 1pm, and we will return on Friday. On Thursday listen for the Keno Cha Chings from Ak-Chin Harrah's Casino and Resort in Maricopa, Arizona.

Well, I had better get busy. Have a good Taco Tuesday. Stay safe and I will chat at you later. 

Today's challenge word is (emozionato). We are (emozionato) about this staycation. Like I get when I spend time with my fidanazata.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise 


JT said...

Buongiorno fidanzata. Come ti senti questo martedi?

"Per avere successo nella vita, hai bisogno di tre cose: un osso dei desideri, una spina dorsale e un osso divertente".

Reba McEntire

Loraine said...

Spero che il tuo entusiasmo si trasformi in Cha Chings.

Tutto ciò di cui hai bisogno è amore, ma un po' di cioccolato ogni tanto non fa male.
Charles M. Schulz


Ciao! How are you doing?  We just got back from having a good breakfast at the Hungry Fox. The meal was very good. Here are a few more pictu...