Friday, August 26, 2011


Good Morning

Mood: Excited

Music listening to: March of the S.U.V by David Beniot

TGIF! How are you? I started the day off at 5:00am caring for Chris. Elise is counting gecko's this morning, but since they are in short supply she we be up and on the move very soon. Any plans for today?

We had a very nice evening last night. Elise prepared cheese crisps, tamales, salsa, lettuce, tomatoes, and refried beans. Ole' We got it all down with a few margaritas. Earlier we went to the movies to see " One Day" and it was very good.

We may go to Cody's Beef and Bean this evening for dinner. Can you say T-bone and Burgundy? We will for sure. Marv will be here to care for Chris this evening. On Sunday we will be closing up our suitcases for our cruise. We are getting worked up for it daily. Well, I had better get to work. Have a good TGIF, and stay safe.


Tiger,Marcie,Jet have a great day.

Jane and John, what are you up to?

Loraine, I have my eyes on you. Smile!

Steph, how are you doing?

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! What is going on around your way? It is a cold day here in Tucson, and we have a wind advisory. In a day our two we will be...