Monday, August 22, 2011

Good Night

Good Night

The day has ended and it has been a good one. I got my errands taken care of and I got a chance to do some more work on my book. Chris relaxed and he enjoyed listening to music and watching Heath Cliff on TV.

Elise prepared a nice light dinner this evening that was very good. We had corn on the cob, tomatoes, sliced peppers, cottage cheese, and sliced cheese. We got it all down with a nice fruity drink.

I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is away playing bridge. Well, we hope that your day has been a good one because that is rare for a Monday, smile. Have a wonderful night.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet sleep well. I hope that Blake gets plenty of rest.

Jerome, it was good to here from you today. Give our best to everyone.

Elaine, welcome back home. Enjoy you cruise next month.

JT,what is happening with the bank?

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Buon Pomeriggio!

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