Monday, August 15, 2011

Good Night

Good Night

Well this Monday has been pretty good around here. How was yours? I got my errands taken care of early and Chris and I rested and relaxed for most of the day. I even got a chance to work on my book for a short time as well.

Chris was paid a visit by my nurse supervisor to see how things are good. Chris loves to be the center of attention and he made that evident while she was here. We got a lot of clouds rolling in this evening and all we got out of it was about 20 drops of rain before it cleared up.

Elise, Chris and I watched the DVD series "Weeds" it is so good and very addictive. I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise is playing bridge at the Forum this evening. Well, I had better go and check on Chris. Have a great evening.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet sleep well.

Rosie, great pics thank you.

Jerome and Kecia I got a pic of your Mom in the mail today, what a surprise. I also got one of you and Tamika as well.

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