Good Morning (TGIF)
Mood: Bummed Out
Music listening to: Rock With You by Michael Jackson
How goes it this Friday morning? I started the day off at 5:35am caring for Chris. Elise is still counting Gila monsters this morning, but she will be on the move soon. We are still in need of some rain here in Tucson. I am still keeping an eye on our Hummingbird and it's nest with two eggs in it.
Yesterday was a very good day until our new TV decided to go kaput. We were playing Wii on it and and (pop) it went off just like that and would not come back on. We are really bummed out about it because we have only had it for (4) days. We went back to the place were it was purchased and we explained the problem to them. They will be delivering another TV on Tuesday of next week. Elise decided to get a bigger screen this time a 58 inch screen it is huge let me tell you.
Do you have any plans for this Friday? We are going to go to Colors for a couple of Jack and Cokes, followed by Live Theater for a show. After that we are going to go to dinner at Jonathan's Cork, we haven't been there in along time. I have to run a few errands prior to our evening plans and Marv will be caring for Chris this evening. We hope that you have a good Friday and a better weekend. I am on my way to get a second cup of coffee. Today I may set a record for drinking coffee due to no TV in the main house but we will survive, smile.
Good Morning Jeanne, will be looking for the note that you mentioned in your last email.
Ross, it is on the way as of yesterday so keep an eye out for the post.
Steph, how are you doing?
Tiger and Marcie, what is up for the weekend?
Rosie, how are you?
Sis, have a good safe weekend in Georgia.