Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Good Night!

Good Night!

How are you doing? I am doing OK, but I have been way better. I am dealing with some family issues that should have been taken care of and I have been notified that it has not been. I am dealing with a blinding headache and have now for a few hours. I will deal with this issue and I will demand that it is given the attention that it deserves.

I also had to put Chris to bed early this evening due to a catheter issue from earlier this morning. The new caregiver is going to need some more training. I will have to micro-manage him to get this corrected. Chris was rolling, rolling, rolling down the river. Smile!

Elise is at her book club meeting and she was joined by my girlfriend Shoo Shoo. We gave her, her Christmas gift and she loved it and that made us very happy. My shorty is going to bring me back some dinner from "El Corral". I hope that I will be able to enjoy it with this blinding headache.

Have a good night!
Nite.....Jessie and Elise

Jayne, were you able to get more photos yet? I received a second discount today but I only have one week to use it. So now I have two of them.


Jessie said...

Buona Sera, Loraine.

Jessie said...

Granny, glad that you didn't get too cold today. Have a great evening. Thanks for posting to our blog.

Loraine said...

Dormi bene e sbarazzati del mal di testa.


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