Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Good Night!

Good Night!                      

How has your day been? For the most part it has been a good one.

I got some very disturbing news today though. One of Chris's caregivers wants to reduce the hours that they work. The excuse is not a good one in my opinion.

I will discuss it with Elise and we will come up with a solution for  the well-being of Chris. We always do. This change can and will cause many problems for us and the other caregivers.

I have been in the health-care field for 24 years and I am a stickler for loyalty, but I am very disciplined and a stickler for working smarter, not harder. I pride myself in keeping  my word as to what I am going to do. It may not be right then, but I will get it done. Like if you do me wrong I will get back at you as well eventually.  You will never know when it is coming. We have made plans for many things to happen for us and Chris and I will do what I need to  make them happen. It may require me to train someone else to care for Chris, something that is a hard task and very time consuming.

On a good note our calendars arrived this evening. I have to tell you I am impressed with the final product. I am going to notify the company that we are pleased.

I am caring for Chris this evening and Elise just left for her book club meeting at "Bistro 44". Elise is going to bring me back some dinner and I will be ready for it. We haven't been to "Bistro 44" in quite some time.

We are so excited with the calendars. We hope the your evening is a good one.
Ciao....Jessie and Elise

Tiger,Marcie, Jet have a good night.

Loraine, time is running out.

Jane and John, enjoy.

Shoo and Stu, have a good night.

Flo and John, sleep well.

Mary and Bob, have a good night.


Loraine said...

I'm patient for the good outcome.

Jessie said...

Excellent! As long as you are ready to go down in defeat is all that matters. You will!


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