Friday, January 20, 2012


Good Morning

Mood: Touched

Music listening to: The World Is A Ghetto by War (classic R&B)

TGIF!! How are you? I started the day off at 4:55am caring for Chris. Elise is very quiet this morning and she is not in her cave. She will start her day soon so be on your best behaviour, smile! Any plans for today?

Elise is hosting a marathon bridge game here today at 1:00pm. The front of the house will look like a car lot again. After Marv arrives to care for Chris for the evening we will be going to Colors for a couple of Jack and Cokes. We will meet up with Nicolette there. After our cocktail hour Elise and I will be going to the Live Theatre Workshop to see a play called "All My Sons" by Arthur Miller. After the play we will hit up Applebees for a late dinner and a bottle of red.

We went to the Crossroads Theatre yesterday afternoon to see " My Afternoons with Margueritte. It was a very good french movie with English subtitles. It was one of the feel good movies that will stick with you for a few days. It had viewers in tears at the end to include Elise. I mean tears were flowing and you could hear hear the flapping of hankies. It was just that good.

Well, I had better get this Friday moving along. Have a great day and a wonderful weekend.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a good one.

Jane and John, stay well.

Sara, I remember using Epson Salts for aches and pains back in the day, it works very well.

Ross, how are things?

Monna, have a good day.

Loraine, take it slow and easy.

Shoo and Stu, have good one.

Melodee, did you get my email and text?


Loraine said...

But not TOO slow.

Jessie said...

I hear ya Loraine.


Buongiorno! MONDAY AGAIN! Mood: Content! Music listening to:  Troublemaker a Book on CD! Buon Lunedi!  How are you doing this morning?  It i...