Monday, January 30, 2012

Good Night!

Good Night!

How was you Monday? Things went well around these parts. I got my errands taken off and Chris and I spent a little time outside today just chillin'. The weather had us thinking about short sleeves and shorts. Just thinking about it is all, smile.

Chris and I watched a few episodes of South Park, he really loves it. Elise prepared a nice soup for dinner, with a cheese sandwich, baby carrots, tomatoes and red peppers. We got it all down with some couple of glasses of Crystal Delight.

Elise is playing bridge with friends and I am caring for Chris. So, I had better get back to work. Have a wonderful evening and enjoy.

Cheers.......Jessie & Elise

Tiger, Marcie, Jet sleep well.

Jane, how are you feeling?

Steph, you are revealing my secrets?

Claudia, how have you been?

Susie,how are things?

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