Friday, July 5, 2019



Mood: Gummied! Rummied! Giggles!

Music listening to: Dear Momma by Tupac!

  Buon Venerdi! How are you doing? I started the day off at 5:30am caring for Chris. Elise is in her cave this morning but she will be up and about soon to start her day. Any plans for today?

  The coffee is a good Breakfast Blend and a second cup will be enjoyed during my (me) time out on the front porch. I will be people and lizard watching for sure. Sister Jayne will be here this morning to care for Chris and Marv will be here this evening. Another nice morning here in Central Tucson. Of course we will be cooking in our juices today. Ya,ya!

 Alexa, is awake and she is not saying much this morning and  that is a good thing. I am in the mood for some Boney today and hopefully she will play some for me.

My shorty and I saw the movie "Last Black Man In San Francisco". It is a very good movie and has a lot messages in it. Well, done! 

Well, we have "Do Drop Inn" room #2 ready for our daughter Tangye and hubby Dave ready for there visit today. We will go out to dinner and catch up on all of the happenings since we last met.

 Hey, tomorrow is the big event here in the "Old Pueblo". Yes, it is my victory dinner at "Johnathan's Cork". My shorty lost the bet for the NBA Championship Game and I won. Ya Mon'. We will be joined by my (fidanzata and Capo Jim). I am not going to eat anything today so my stomach will be rumbling and growling for this treat. WooHoo!

Well, I had better get my (mojo) working and get this day moving forward. Have a good TGIF and enjoy the day.

Ciao...Jessie and Elise

Ross and Denise, how are you?

Rosie, what is new in Melbourne?

Monna, have a good weekend?

JT, what is new in Phoenix?

Liz, how are you doing?

Leticia, how are you?

Sisters , what is up for today?

Herman, how are things in St. Louis?

Olivia, how are you?

1 comment:

Jessie said...

Mattina cara. Come stai tu e Capo Jim? Beh, domani e il grande giorno./ Avro il mio cucchiaio, forchetta, coltello e bicchiere di vino a portata di mano. Non vedo l'ora di rivederti.

Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio! 21 Feb Sister Beauty How goes it for you this TGIF?  We are doing ok here in the desert of Tucson. My shorty is in Green Va...