Thursday, June 23, 2016

Good Night!

Good Night!

We hope that your day went well? We received some bad news this afternoon. Chris's caregiver Jayne's sister passed away. Please keep her and her family both here in Tucson and in Kenya in your prayers and thoughts. This passing was a shock to the family and friends. Thank you.

After the movie we went to "Teresa's Mosaic" for dinner. We met with Mike and Vickie. Mike's sister Pat could not make due to she was not feeling well. We hope that she feels better soon. The food was good and so were the margaritas. So good that Elise and I had two of them. Bobby is caring for Chris this evening.

Bobby and Loraine, thank you for posting to our blog today. We are going to call it an early night and hit the sheets. We more than likely will read  a book before we drift off into slumber-land. Have a wonderful evening.
Ciao...Jessie and Elise

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