Friday, October 21, 2011


Good Morning

Mood: Frisky!!

Music listening to: I Wanna Know by Joe

TGIF!! How are you? I started the day off at 5:10am caring for Chris. Elise is still chasing gecko's this morning to keep them safe. As soon as she gets her quota she will start her day,smile! Any plans for today?

The coffee is good this morning and I am thinking about left over pizza for breakfast. We had a very nice evening last night at the "Gaslight Theatre" we saw the play "Wizard of the Rings". It was very good and very funny. We enjoyed a light dinner of salad, pizza, and of course a bottle of red.

We were joined by Donna, and Angelica for the evening. It has been a while since we have seen Donna, she is looking good. She will be here next week to give Chris a massage. I am sure that he will enjoy that very much.

I have to run a few errands early this morning out on the airbase. I will be looking for a air mattress to take to the mountains when we go on camping trip that is coming up very soon. We will be trying out our 8 person tent.

This evening after Marv arrives to care for Chris we will be visiting "Colors" for a couple of Jack and Cokes. We are going to be joined by Elise's hairdresser as well. After that Elise and I will see the a play at the "Live Theatre Workshop. Following that we will hit "Applebee's for a late dinner.

I am a little bummed out about my book, no I am a pissed but I will get over it. The printer called to say that they could not copy some of my family members photos due to they are copy written by Glamour Shots. So Elise and I made the decision to make the copies and bind it ourselves. Just a little set back! I will begin to print the book today to see how it comes out.

Elise is hosting a marathon bridge game here today,so our front yard will look like a parking lot, smile. Well, I had better get busy with Chris. Have a great Friday and stay safe.

Chin chin...............

Tiger, Marcie, Jet have a great day sisters.

Sara, great info about the Pits.

Herman, how are things going in St. Louis?

Loraine, have a great day.

Shoo Shoo, stay safe.

Flo and John, have a good one.

Rory, how are things in Fallen?

Ross, have a good weekend.

Shirlene, any plans for the weekend?

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Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio!      IO Why hasn't this wind stopped yet desert dweller? It is getting colder too! Brrr! The carpet cleaner just left, ...