Monday, October 31, 2011

Good Night!

Good Night

Well, the day has come to a close and it has not been a bad one. I got a few copies of my book mailed out and tomorrow I will mail out more. I weed whacked the front area near the street and I trimmed the hedge as well. Now that just about did me in, smile!

Chris and watched a Halloween Marathon with of the Micheal Myers slash and gash movies. Chris loves it and so do I. Elise prepared soup for dinner and we watched another episode of "The Duchess of Duke Street". The doorbell is starting to ring with candy hunters already.

Elise is catching up on her email and I am caring for Chris. Well, I had better get busy and grab a 3 Musketeers for myself, eh! Have a great evening and don't let the goblins get you.


Tiger, Marcie, Jet sleep well.

Jane and John, I loved the Playboy bunny and her handler. That bunny is hot!

Jerome and Kesha, you have us smiling beg time. Wow, 15 weeks!

Ron and Nancy your copy of the book is on the way as of tomorrow.

JT, your copy of the book will be delivered tomorrow.

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