Monday, October 3, 2011

Good Night

Good Night,

How did your day go? It was a pretty good day for a Monday around here, smile! I worked on my book and I may be finished before my deadline. Chris and I relaxed today and we watched TV and we listened to a lot of music.

Elise played bridge this afternoon at a friends house. Tomorrow she will host a bridge game here, she loves her bridge game. Elise prepared a nice dinner this evening and we watched a few episodes of "Weed", man that is a good show.

I am feeling a little couped up so I may go to the DDC tomorrow and collect my perks and play the slots for a short while. Well, I had better go and check on Chris. Elise is at her chorus group tonight practicing.


Tiger, have a safe trip.

Marcie, Jet sleep well.

Ross, always good to hear from you.

Jane and John, have a good night.

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Buon Pomeriggio!

Buon Pomeriggio!      IO Why hasn't this wind stopped yet desert dweller? It is getting colder too! Brrr! The carpet cleaner just left, ...