Good Night
How are you this evening? I just finished eating dinner with Elise. We had ham and a baked yam, tomatoes, and little carrots. It was very good. Now she has just left to go back to the hospital to see her Mom.
Mum has been taken out of the Cardiac Unit and now she is in a room. Elise said that she was told to get up to walk and she refused to do so. She did get up when she wanted to get up for the walk though. Once she was up she didn't want to stop walking but she was told she had to take it slow.
Ann just arrived at the house before Elise left for the hospital to tell Elise how things were going. Apparently Mum is not happy with her room because nobody comes around to see how she is nor is anyone there to help her to get up to go to the bathroom when she needs to go. So Elise and Ann are on there way back to the hospital along with Sara, Ann's daughter. I have seen Elise a total of about an hour and a half today so far.
Well, I had better get back to Chris. Have a good night and sleep well.
Tiger, Marcie, Jet sleep well.
Jane and John, have a good night.
Monna ,it was good to hear from you today.
Again I want to thank everyone for the emails, phone calls in support of Mum.
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